About the penitent thief

investing in the lives of returning citizens

Why is supporting returning citizens so important to us?

because we've been there.

Paul Del Favero, President of The Penitent Thief, served 18½ years in prison before his release 15 years ago. Paul says, “Since my release I have faced hurdles and barriers to success in many areas.  Finding a job, continuing my spiritual walk, and connecting to my community, just to name a few.  God’s powerful work while I was in prison was a turning point in my life. Putting God first is the cornerstone to success in all areas of life.  My prison experiences and what God taught me since my release inspires me to help others with prison backgrounds navigate their own hurdles and barriers.  “‘With God, all things are possible’!”

a changed man: My story

I began using drugs at 13 and was doing hard drugs by 15. At age 20, I was incarcerated and sentenced to serve 25 years in prison for multiple property crime convictions.

I was released after 18½ years, and my first essential step was to seek help within the community. I had no idea what to do and only really understood what not to do. Through prayer, hard work, and support from others, I was able to navigate myself to success. Prayer, hard work, and support from others put me on the path to success.

I’ve since been able to use my experience to help other formerly incarcerated individuals navigate and reintegrate into society. Founding The Penitent Thief will help me continue that work in a more impactful way by creating a network of resources to help support those in need.

Prison saved my life, but it didn’t prepare me for the future. Our mission at The Penitent Thief is to walk alongside our returning citizen neighbors and provide wrap-around support services that empower them to create a purposeful life after incarceration.

Providing real solutions

The Penitent Thief will help ensure success in others to become productive members of society and restore families.  We plan to offer:

Counseling, education, and skills training

Need-based financial assistance

We will also be holding classes within the community, and within institutions for citizens soon to be released.

core values

find fulfillment and joy

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Young man with eyes closed and head up
Open bible in hands

shared values

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charity events

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Two women in sweaters raising hands
church stain glass artwork

All are welcome

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Board of directors and Staff Members

meet our Team

Paul Del Favero
Paul Del Favero
President + Founder
Stacy Del Favero
Stacy Del Favero
Board Member
Scott Lee
Scott Lee
Board Member
Pastor William Andrews
Pastor William Andrews
Board Member
Cleatous Simmons
Cleatous Simmons
Board Member
Johnny Levy
Johnny Levy
Community Outreach Coordinator